Uses of Vaseline Petroleum Jelly - New Beauty - askinfriend how to take care of your skin

Uses of Vaseline Petroleum jelly Heay Vaseline is a very well known product and we do use it since our childhood B ut we doesn&#...

Uses of Vaseline Petroleum Jelly

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Uses of Vaseline Petroleum jelly

Vaseline is a very well known product and we do use it since our childhood

But we doesn't know how wonders a Vaseline can do to ours skin.

Before knowing the different methods and different use of Vaseline lets have a small intro for Vaseline petroleum.

Beauty by vaseline

Uses of Vaseline Petroleum jelly

Vaseline is Safe for dry skin

Vaseline recommended for use on dry skin.  It can help soothe skin that’s chafed and dry.
Other benefit is it’s especially handy for the thin skin on your eyelids. The reason to use word safe is many people kind petroleum is a harmful product, but that's not true, petroleum of kerosene and gasoline are different from that petroleum of Vaseline

 Petroleum is one of the main ingredient of Vaseline. But unlike other forms of petroleum is safe, and also It’s even a favorite for some as a moisturizer.Vaseline is proven to be safe to use on your skin and hands.

And its not only safe for hands and legs but it’s safe to use Vaseline as a moisturizer for your face, but few things you should know before you use it.

Benefits of Vaseline
Beneficial for Removing Makeup
Removes eye makeup
Since the product is petroleum-based,
it dissolves almost any kind of makeup gently, easily and simply.

As some of the makeup removing products cannot be used on eyes, but  Vaseline is safe to use around your eye area. Do works especially good at removing waterproof Products.
Vaseline for winters

Seal the skin Moisture
Vaseline Seal skin moisture as many people suffer from dry skin specially in winters,

 So this product can lock skin moisture on your face without any other ingredients that might cause irritation to your skin.

Sealing of moisture odes not requires any efforts just a layer of Vaseline is enough before you  go to sleep.

It can help to restore face’s natural level of moisture and softness.

Treat Dry lips

Due to Environmental changes like cold or hot sun can dry out your lips quickly. Skin tends to dry especially lips are thinnest part of our face and environmental changes makes lips very dry so when Vaseline is applied to your lips, it protects the sensitive skin around lips and your mouth.

Vaseline is free of flavors and perfumes, so no need to worry about getting an allergic reaction from using it.

Good for lashes and eyebrows
Apart from Vaseline on your face it can also help in growing your eye lashes or can also say it makes your eye lashes thick
With the help of Q tip apply some Vaseline petroleum on lashes be careful don’t put product into your eyes, very little amount is enough.

 Other trick is it also style your eyebrows. It provides full look with your brows,
Just you can apply a thin layer of Vaseline to smooth the hairs into place and style them.

Anti-Aging Properties
Research found that Vaseline have substance that increases the regulation of peptides on your skin’s surface.

 Peptides are popular ingredient in some of the more popular and proven beauty creams and firming products.

I wont say Vaseline itself shrink your pores or treat wrinkles, but keeping your skin moisturized as moisturisation is essential preventative measure to slow the signs of aging on your skin.

To treat cracked heels

Vaseline can also help to treat cracked heels

You can Soak your feet in warm water with some salt added to a small tub.

 Towel-dry thoroughly and apply vaseline and cover them with clean cotton socks.

Vaseline to Remove Dead Skin

Vaseline alone cannot be used as scrubber to remove dead skin in winter and yet doesn't dry your skin
But can be mixed with Oats and Sugar to prepare Exfoliator

If your skin is dry just use vaseline, oats and olive oil and scrub your skin 
After scrubbing wash it off the mixture using luke warm water, so that extra stickiness can be removed

Vaseline as Night Cream
Again you can mix

Aloe vera gel
Olive oil
Vit E Oil

Take 1 tea spoon of vaseline , aloe vera gel ,olive oil and few drops of vit E oil

Mix it well and your apply overnight
on all over your skin and massage until it is completely absorbed.

Dont's of Vaseline

Along with many uses and diys of vaseline their are some don’t measures for vaseline

Its not safe to use as an immediate measure to treat sunburn or sun damage on your face.

As Vaseline is a oil-based product,
which means it can seal in heat and aggravate your symptoms further.

According to the American Academy of Dermatologists, Vaseline can trigger outbreaks

If you are a person with acne-prone skin. Don’t put petroleum jelly on your face.
 If you’re having an active breakout please go for some other moisturize

Plz view blog for more such info

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